Shadowrun Returns Wiki
Scene Contents


Scene Data


Scene Analysis


Paths are groups of connected nodes. Actors walk from node to node, briefly pausing at each node before moving onto the next.


  • Patrolling NPC
  • Cinematic-like Scene
  • NPC Movement

Creating a Path[]

The goal of this guide is to help you work with node-based paths as efficiently as possible.

  1. Place and select an Actor Spawner. In the Properties window, change the actor's Team to Civilians. (Note: This is the easiest way to make an actor friendly to the player. The actor must be friendly for you to observe the actor moving along the path you will create.)
  2. Create a path by right-clicking Paths in the Scene Contents window and selecting "Create Path Route." A path marker will be created in the scene.
  3. Select the path marker in the scene and move the marker to an appropriate location. This marker will become Node 0, which is the first node in a path.
  4. In the Scene Contents window, select the path you created. Then, in the Properties window, change the Path Type to Ping-Pong and the Number of Nodes to 2.
  5. Select the path marker in the scene again and drag out the second node, which will be Node 1.
  6. Create a trigger with the following statements:
    • When: When a map is loaded and initialized (Context menu: On Map Start)
    • Do: Set (Single Actor: Actor : NPC) is in Passive Mode (Context menu: Actor > Set Actor In Passive Mode)
    • Do: Order (Single Actor: Actor : NPC) to patrol Path Name (Context menu: AI > Order Actor to Patrol)
    • 1.0.4 Do: End current Team's Turn (Context menu: Gameplay > End current Team's Turn)
  7. Save and test the scene. The NPC Actor will now move to Node 0.